Thursday, June 26, 2014

Dinengdeng (Vegetable Stew)

This is a harvest type vegetable stew. These are the vegetables typically grown in backyards in rural areas in the northern regions of Philippines. It's a no fuss type dish in which the freshness of the vegetables is the highlight. It's great with fried meats or grilled fish.

saluyot (jute leaves)

patola (sponge gourd)


1 medium size onion
2 cups of squash (cut into cubes)
2 - 3 cups  string beans
15-20 pcs okra
1 big patola (sponge gourd) - peeled and cut into strips
2-3 cups jute leaves
squash flower
1  cup shrimp / fried fish/ grilled fish  - whatever is available
3 cups of water

How to cook:

1. In a casserole, pour water and add the onion. Bring to boil
2. Season with bagoong ( fermented fish sause) and continue boiling for 3 min.
3. Add the shrimp, simmer for 3 min.
4. Add the squash, simmer for 2 minutes.
5. Add okra, string bean and saluyot (jute leaves). Simmer for 4 -5 min  or until halfed cooked.
6. Add patola (sponge gourd) and squash flower. Cooked until vegetables are done.
7. Adjust seasoning according to taste.


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