Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Misua - Patola Soup (Misua and Sponge Gourd Soup)

We were at the Asian market the other day and found these fantastic Loofah Sponge Gourds. If you were wondering, yes, these are the Loofahs you use to scrub yourself, comes from. They are annual vines that are very closely related to cucumbers. They are grown in tropical areas and are quite common in many Asian dishes. They are high in fiber and packed with vitamins and minerals.

I have to say that this particular one must have been grown locally because it was quite sweet and tender. These fruits have to be picked before they fully mature or they will just be too fibrous. It got me thinking of food miles and the importance of at least attempting to have a vegetable garden. Appreciating how fresh picked organic vegetables really differ from what's usually available to the masses at the market.

I honestly haven't had these in any other dish except for Misua-Patola soup. Growing up, this was one of my favorite dishes and it actually still is. Thinking of dishes to put up in this blog can sometimes get to the point where we actually miss the point. As we get older and the aches and pains begin to linger around longer, we have to be more aware of what we put in our body. Making better choices. Sadly, it may not be as sexy as some cheesy casserole dish but at the end of the day, at least we'll be sexier from better food choices.


1 small onion - diced
4-5 cloves garlic - minced
1 large patola (peeled and cut into strips)
1 cup shrimp
50 grams of misua
4 cups of water
salt and pepper
patis (fish sauce)

How to cook:

1. In a sauce pan , saute garlic and onion.
2. Add shrimp and pour in 1 tbsp of fish sauce.
3. Add water and bring to boil.
4. Add patola and 1 shrimp cube, cook until slightly softened.
5 Add  the misua , cooked for about 1-2 min.
6. Add pepper and adjust seasoning according to your taste.
7. Serve hot and enjoy!

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